



Harochi unlocks additional revenue for ambitious startups through expert lead generation and content marketing services.


Lead Generation
The intersection of hyper-personalization and automation

Outbound sales is a volume game, but it doesn’t mean that you should “spray and pray.” Quality matters. That’s why we strive to grasp your ideal customer profile, desired outcomes, messaging, and past results before taking the first steps. 

  • Discuss your goals and target audience to figure out if we’re a fit for each other (worst case, we become friends)
  • Group your potential prospects into 3 buckets (high, medium, and low priority)
  • Research the correct decision-makers at each company without stepping on your sales team’s toes 
  • Verify their email addresses and LinkedIn profiles and add them to our campaigns
  • Create a new domain to protect your main one
  • Add email addresses to new domain
  • Slowly roll out the first campaigns to avoid spam filters and increase email deliverability
  • When domain is warmed up, we send out 150-200 emails per day to prospects at your ideal companies
  • Depending on your needs, we can use 1-3 email addresses
  • Evaluate the success of the campaigns to determine what’s working and adjust where needed
  • Use data to make intelligent modifications to the copywriting, targeting, and sequences to maximize success
Content Marketing
Straight from the heart and onto the screen

We channel founders’ voices into copy that inspires, engages, and moves your audience to take action–now

  • Informal interview to peel away the layers of your brand’s tone, writing style, and content medium to get to the core of what makes you different from your competition
  • Curate a monthly content strategy that will regularly engage, entertain, and educate your target audience via LinkedIn, your newsletter, blog, and more
  • Determine publishing cadence, content length, and expectations
  • Create delivery deadlines 
  • Open feedback session for delivered content 
  • Review and add comments to shared documents
  • Incorporate changes to documents and make finishing touches 
  • Schedule to publish according to content calendar

We do it right. Every time.

“Harochi did great work. They were diligent, responsive, and attentive. Open to feedback and flexible with their style, we liked everything they created.

Thomas Schaper, Director of Product @ Latch

“Harochi was understanding of the topic, asked the appropriate questions, and had a genuine interest in ensuring they were on track towards the goal. I appreciated this so much, and it was more than most agencies offer.”

Founder of Fast-Growing EdTech Startup



We choose our partners carefully; we believe in your mission and won't stop pushing forward until we achieve the desired outcome


We understand how decision-makers think and make purchasing decisions, and we've sold to companies of all shapes and sizes across industries and oceans


We're lifelong learners with an insatiable appetite for personal development and growth; this applies to everything we do

Harochi's Manifesto

The agency model has a bad rap.

So, why do clients choose to work with them? 

The best agencies offer their clients an army of dedicated, talented, and hardworking specialists who deliver exceptional results for a fraction of the price of traditional hiring.

What’s not to love?

The honeymoon phase usually goes well, and clients rave to their friends and family how they wish they had found them sooner.  

As a reward for their outstanding work, these agencies generate repeat customers, referrals, and land name-brand accounts with deep pockets. 

But soon, they are faced with a major question: to scale or not to scale?

This is when agencies get greedy. 

Agencies that decide to grow often cut corners by offshoring or hiring juniors to cover lower priority accounts (the majority of their clients). 

First, existing clients are introduced to a new strategist/account manager/customer success rep. 

“But what about my old rep?” asks the client.

“Don’t worry, you’re in great hands,” replies the agency.

The immediate drop in quality, communication, and competence is chalked up to “growing pains.”

However, weeks go by and the slip-ups become harder to ignore. Despite the agency’s promises, emails take longer to receive replies to, problems aren’t fixed correctly (or at all), and frustration builds to a boiling point. 

Until one day…

A new agency comes along and makes them feel like the most special client in the world. 

They’re back to being showered with attention, tailor-made strategies are created just for them, and customer service is the best it’s ever been. 

No more gaslighting or neglect. 

And the client couldn’t be happier. After all, they’re finally getting the attention and love they deserve.  

That is, until the agency is faced with a major question. 

To scale or not to scale?

We have been burned by agencies and we’re here to stop the shiny-object cycle that agencies subject their clients to. 

We reject that this has to be the status quo, and we’re proof that there’s a better way. 

Harochi is a bootstrapped agency based in Berlin (no investor influence) with a local team of honest, hardworking, kind, funny, and caring experts. 

Outside of working hours, you can find many of us spending time together because we’re friends who share many of the same interests, goals, and sense of humor.

Just like our teammates, we choose our clients carefully, and it’s our goal to keep them happy from day one.

Here’s how we differentiate ourselves:

1. We hand-pick our clients and only work with great people.

2. We align with our client on what success means.

3. We offer fair and transparent pricing.

4. We are accountable. 

5. We only hire enthusiastic and talented individuals.

Our Clients

Ready to Start?

See how Harochi can transform the way your business sells today. 

Harochi 2023